Tuesday, 19 January 2016

PhD Embedding digital communication in car radars, Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology

Future self-driving vehicles will often need to communicate wirelessly with other vehicles, for example to drive cooperatively in a platoon. In such settings safety-critical information (e.g. on obstacles that surface ahead of the platoon) needs to be communicated with high reliability and small latency. The current wireless communication standard, IEEE 802.11p, does not fulfil this
requirement in e.g. highly congestive situations. 

For  cooperative driving also accurate localization of vehicles is of great importance. For this purpose vehicles are increasingly equipped with radar systems, e.g. as a parking aid or for automatic cruise control. The main objective of this project is to investigate whether communication functionalities can be added to automotive radar systems, so as to overcome some of the limitations of 802.11p.
Automotive radar systems are currently typically based on frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FM-CW) signals in which frequency-modulated pulses (chirps) are transmitted. To use these systems for communication, the frequency modulation of the chirps can be changed or one out of K different chirps can be used depending on the information that needs to be communicated. A disadvantage of these methods is that the achievable data rate is limited. Alternative modulation approaches such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) permit higher data rates but strongly limit the radar performance (e.g. ranging accuracy, tracking of movements). The key scientific challenge of the project is therefore to investigate how reliable radar communication can be achieved without degrading radar functionality. This will involve advanced modulation and signal-processing schemes, possibly combined with using multiple radar antennas.

The project will build on an advanced experimental automotive radar platform made available by NXP, one of the global leaders in automotive radar. The project will be carried out in part in the research laboratories of NXP Research, also in Eindhoven, and will be supervised by leading TU/e and NXP experts. 

Job requirements

Candidate profile: 
We are looking for candidates who
- have a strong MSc degree in signal processing for communications, information theory, or a related discipline;
- can bridge the distance between advanced fundamental concepts and theories on the one hand and practical implementation and
  evaluation of these concepts on the other hand;
- can think out of the box, distinguish main lines from details, and provide structure to their work;
- have excellent multidisciplinary team working and communication skills.

Conditions of employment

We offer:
  • a full-time temporary appointment for a period of 4 years, with an intermediate evaluation after 9 months
  • a gross salary of € 2173 per month in the first year increasing up to € 2778.- per month in the fourth year
  • a holiday allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% (annually)
  • assistance in finding accommodation (for foreign employees)
  • the opportunity to perform research in a large-scale joint project from a leading technical university and a leading high-tech company
  • support for your personal development and career planning including participation in the EIT doctoral training, courses, summer schools, conference visits, research visits to other institutes (both academic and industrial), etc.
  • a broad package of fringe benefits (including excellent technical infrastructure, child day care, savings schemes and excellent sport facilities). 

Information and application

Selection procedure
 If interested, please use 'apply now'-button at the top of this page. You should upload the following:
  • a cover letter explaining your motivation, background and qualifications for the position;
  • a detailed Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications);
  • contact information of two references.
  • copies of diplomas and a list of your courses taken and grades obtained,
  • Selection will be on-going. This means that suitable candidates will be interviewed and if deemed fit, be hired immediately without waiting for applications of other candidates. 
  • Recruitment process
    After a pre-selection process based on your CV, you will be invited for face-to-face interviews
Please keep in mind; you can upload only 5 documents up to 2 MB each.

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